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Apps for your daily Business

Anker 1

Document Processing/
Document Output

BELWARE GmbH focuses on document processing and document output in Business Central.

In the standard, many processes are still associated with a lot of work. With our apps and extensions, processes run automatically, faster and easier. Either with a simple click or completely automatically in the background. Our solutions are all easy to install and set up. Convince yourself and test our apps for free.

Simplify and automate your document output via email

Pimp your mail!


This app offers you many useful and additional mail functions for optimised and automated work.


Mail Experience Plus

Pimp your document output!


Our ultimate app to boost your document output via email through optimization and automation.

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Mail Experience Pro

Improve and simplify your mail performance


Mail Subject Plus

What is your subject?


Free definable subjects for emails in Business Central.

Mail Attachments Plus

Hang it on!


Set up standard attachments and use as many attachments per report, client and receipt as you like.


Automate and simplify your receipt processing


Easy Batch

Take it easy!


Process multiple documents in a batch.


Addressee Control

Take controll​


- Control over report selection of addresses from  Vendors, Debitors, Sell To, Bill To and Contacts

- Preset from CC and BCC target addresses 


Easy Document Pin

Include your invoice!


Set dunning levels and automatically attach the relevant invoice. 



Merge your digital

pdf stationsry!


For a strong Corporate identity in digital correspondence.


Report Layout Plus

Change it!


Easy handling of different report layouts for different languages and many other conditions.

PDF Dokumenterweiterung in Business Central




Custom Filename

Produktlogo Custom Filename

Personalisierte Dateinamen genieren


Standard-Dateinamen definieren, sowohl je Bericht als auch Debitor/Kreditor. Eigene Platzhalter für den jeweiligen Bericht definieren.

Multichannel document dispatch and processing



The future of



The Connector 365 XRechnung enables the simple creation of XML files.

PEPPOL Delivery soon.



Give your letter to a postman!


For a hybrid sending of documents via Deutsche Post service.




Der Connector 365 E-Document für Versand und Empfang versch. E-Rechnungsformate

international einsetzbar

autom. Rechnungsversand (erweiterbar)



Fax it!


Send faxes directly from Business Central, without printing and without a fax machine! 

E-Documents Validator

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Validate your E-Invoice


Validieren, Visualisieren und Verarbeiten Sie Ihre
E-Belege direkt in Business Central


Supplier Rating

New in our portfolio is the supplier rating. Everyone knows how difficult it is to find a good supplier, to keep him and also to track to what extent the performance remains stable. Everyone has different requirements for their suppliers, criteria have different priority values. With our app, you can enter evaluation keys for different types of forwarders in Business Central, freely define hard and soft criteria, set evaluation periods, use audit trails and much more!

Always get the best suppliers for your company with Easy Supra.

Easy Supra


Rate your suppliers!


Evaluate your suppliers according to freely selectable parameters and become more efficient!



Communication is one of the most important tools nowadays! Without a good communication, an entire company often does not function properly. 

That's why we offer you a cloud-based telephone system and a suitable extension that makes it accessible from anywhere and at the same time is perfectly integrated into your ERP system! 


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Easy communication!


Access to all Business Central data for incoming and outgoing calls.




We are STARFACE partners and would be happy to advise you on digital communication directly from the cloud! 


All of our AppSource apps are Universal Code Ready, which conforms to Microsoft guidelines. What does Universal Code Ready actually mean? Microsoft is taking a new direction: "Cloud only".  This means that all users should work with Microsoft in the cloud in the future. All required apps should be found in the AppSource and must always match the latest version of Business Central by default. If the code is not "cloud ready" by the deadline, additional paid licenses will be required. 

At BELWARE, we have always strived to keep all our applications up to date, which benefits you as our customer. 

Test our apps without obligation and free of charge before implementing your new solution. 

The Connector 365 product line - always the right app for you! 

Förderturm, Schriftzug Leo Talk

If you want to learn more about our apps, you can participate in our monthly Leo Talk. Dates and participation links will be announced via social media. 


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46284 Dorsten, Deutschland

+49 2362 788 90 55 0


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