Connector 365
Your invoice as XML in Business Central
Since 27 November 2020, all companies that work with the federal authorities must send their invoices in XML format. Such a tool is missing in the standard environment of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
The Connector 365 XRechnung makes it easy to create XML files with just one click. Simply activate the function via the document layouts for the customers who need an XRechnung and you are ready to go. Send the invoices as an email via the standard mail function and the XML is automatically created together with the email.
When it is sent, we use a validator to check whether the XRechnung you have just created is also compliant with the requirements of an XRechnung. If everything is correct, the invoice is sent and the recipient receives his invoice as XML and optionally as PDF.
The recipient also receives the verification report for checking purposes.
In case the invoice is not compliant, the sending process is cancelled and the user receives the negative verification report. Here the user can see what led to the XRechnung not being compliant.
To start, simply select XRechnung in the document layouts of the customer.
All sent XRechnungen and validation reports are archived and can be resent if needed.
This is what the XRechnung app offers you:
Simple setup on the debitor
Consideration of accompanying attachments
Optional individual dispatch control of XML only - XML + PDF as original attachment - XML with embedded attachments
Checking the Route ID
Possibility of entering additional route IDs
Checking the XRechnung before sending the correct XML
Archiving of shipping documents
Dispatch log
The Connector 365 XRechnung app is currently able to process the following document types for XRechnung:
Sales Invoices
Sales Credits
Service Invoices*
Service Credits*
* When using the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium license
Further information and help, can be found here!
Connector 365
For all versions from BC15
To download XRechnung from the AppSource, please follow the link below.
If you would like to order XRechnung for your system, follow the link below.
You can find more information and assistance here!
Connector NAV/BC
For all versions of BC14 and older
If you are still working on an old version of Business Central, please contact our service.
You can find more information and assistance here!